Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bonjour à tous! I hope each one of you have had the most amazing week
of your life! I know you're all probably like "Oh man it's Monday
already?" Because I totally am. Weeks feel like days man.

First order of business to address to everyone who emailed me this
week informing me that yes, it is February, and yes that does mean I
have been out for about six months.

This week was great! We had Zone Training and it was just a great
spiritual meeting, because I stayed in the same Zone I did the musical
number after the five minute break. It was good! I sang "Be Still My
Soul" and Sister Shin accompanied me on the piano. We were supposed to
have a few lessons after the meeting but they all ended up canceling
on us. We also had dinner with the McElroys this week, and i adore
them. Sister McElory forgot we were coming over (we tried calling but
no answer) so she had made five alarm chili, which was actually so
good, even though it burned off my lips.

We met a lady named Soone this week. Soone was a referral from a
member who is her doctor. She expressed some interest in meeting with
us because we have a Korean missionary and Soone is from Korea! We
knocked on her door and she let us right in! She is really hard of
hearing so she sat right next to Sister Shin and had just finished
smoking a cigarette, poor sister Shin couldn't focus because her
breath smelled so bad!

We also received some other referrals this week! Last week I mentioned
that the West Chester sisters had a referral for us and this week we
made contact! His name is Tony and he attended the church in Africa
and has been looking for the one in Broomall since he moved to the
United States! He was so excited to hear from us and asked us when we
were going to come over! We also received a text from the missionaries
serving in Bayview, Maryland who heard from a former investigator in
Broomall! She was trying to find us, so they sent us a text with her
number in it and some information on her! We called her and she set up
the appointment right away! So many miracles this week!

We had the chance this week to meet with our Korean investigator. His
name is Young-Soo Ha and he speaks no English. So I just sat back and
let Sister Shin and Brother Kim teach away. It was kind of hard
because I couldn't focus on anything happening because I had no idea
what they were even saying! Every once in a while Brother Kim would
translate because he would want me to teach the answer to one of his
questions but soon after it would fall back into just Korean. We met
with him twice which means we got delicious Korean food twice. It was
so good. I have discovered that Koreans are just a loving people, they
were so worried about me because it was Korean food and they were only
speaking Korean, they wanted me to feel comfortable. I love them so
Also Brother Kim's English cracks me up sometimes. He asked me "Where
is your daddy's ancestors from?" I told him England area. So then he
asked "Where is your mommys ancestors from?" I said Italy and
Netherlands. He got so excited "DUTCH! I knew it! You can see it in
your face that your Dutch." Then he proceeded to tell me that Dutch
women are so pretty you can tell they are Dutch because they look like
a princess. Koreans are great!

There is also nothing better than hearing 잭슨 자매 (Sister Jackson) in
the middle of a conversation that you literally know nothing about.
Its like hearing my dad speak Portuguese and say my name randomly in a
sentence. It was interesting because I know the Korean word for sister
so when I heard it I was like "okay what is he saying" because it was
Brother Kim talking, not Sister Shin.

We met with Kevin again this week and hes still doing so great! He had
a really cool missionary experience this week with his sister. He had
just finished his BOM reading for the night and she Skyped him. They
were talking and she dropped this question "Kevin, will you pray and
ask God to tell me when I should start having children?" He responded
and told her it doesnt work like that and used Jacob 1:3 to back him
up. He is just a great kid, and just isn't afraid of the new religion
he is and the commitment he made to share the gospel.

Sister Ann Maloney is doing great! We were able to teach her the plan
of salvation using the "LOVE" analogy (Pinterest it if you have
questions:)) and she loved it! She talked about how excited she is to
know that she can see her family again and how death is going to be a
great adventure. She is just the sweetest most kindest old lady and I
love her so much.

We also met with Abby again and she is just amazing! We talked about
tithing and how big of a blessing it is in our lives to pay tithing!
She told us about how when she wasn't active she still felt like she
needed to be paying her tithing because she knows that its important
to pay and to have the blessings that come from paying it. She also
talked about how much she loves Fast and Testimony meeting because
everything that is said comes right from the heart, it isn't written
down and it isn't scripted, its real. I thought that was interesting
to think about, how it is real. I love testimonies, they are always so
sweet. I often think of a boy back in my home ward named Ryan Dickey
when I think of sweet testimonies, Ryan has Down syndrome and he has
the sweetest testimony, when he bears it the spirit fills the room and
it is undeniable. Testimonies are so pure and so real, I hope we all
take the chance to share ours with someone this week.

James has been sick so we haven't been able to meet with him, but hes
still on track for his date! He is just such a good kid.

We had dinner with the Meaders again this week and had a lengthy talk
about food storage. She asked how my food storage was and when I told
her she told me. Well you better pray your a missionary when the
apocalypse happens because then people will take care of you, other
wise youre gonna die. I love them so much. I almost died of laughter
again. They are huge food storage people, they have not one but two
freeze dryers, they can literally everything and have ten thousand
rounds of bullets. They take this seriously, its actually pretty cool.

It finally snowed this week, but has since melted. I love PA. Only
three days of snow, I was one happy camper.

This week we had the craziest thing happen. Our area book quit
working. I know half of you are going "Your point?" But to understand
the gravity of this situation is that we do not have paper area books,
it is all online. So we had nothing, no schedule no names to visit,
nothing. Luckily our maps were still working so we were able to find
some people to talk to that way but we had nothing. It was crazy and
it was happening in missions across the world so missionaries were
leaving reviews on the app, I took some screen shots of them for your
enjoyment, they were pretty clever.

This week was so good. I was reading in Alma 26 this week and i cant
help but love this chapter. Its like a "good job guys, glory in God
and don't give up" chapter. I love that Ammon is so pumped up about
the miracles God had shown them. I especially love verse 36 (I mean
its my mission scripture, so yeah). The line that always gets me is
this one "If this is boasting even so I will boast. For this is my
life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from
everlasting woe" This gospel is so many things to me, love, joy, hope,
happiness, but more than anything its "my life and my light, my joy
and my salvation, and my redemption" This scripture always brings back
the reason why I am out here, it brings back the pre-mission jitters,
it reminds me what this gospel means to me, so if this is boasting,
even so I will boast.

I love you all so much, I miss you all! I love PA. I love my mission.
I love our Savior.

Until next week!

많은 사랑,
잭슨 자매

Sent from Broomall, PA 🦊
Zone P-day

zone training


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